Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today-forgotten binders and half read scripts

Today I happened to forget my binder. That may not sound bad but when it holds seven of your eight subjects navigating the day gets a little hairy. First period was science and by some miracle I did not need my binder. My first curve ball was thrown at me when I walked into french and we had to read paragraphs we had written about a movie we watched during class. Only 12 of us had to speak and since my paragraph was in my binder I was really hoping that I wouldn't be called on. You can probably already guess what happened...I was called on. Using some magical french power I didn't know I had I made up my speech on the spot. Curveball averted!! Next was Math. Piece of cake all we did was take notes I didn't understand all class so I didn't need my binder because I take my notes in a different place. Finally was the killer, drama. We're working on our major term one scene and I really did need my script because we were supposed to be writing in our blocking today. Needless to say that didn't really happen. WE PLAYED BONDING GAMES ALL CLASS and only read through the script twice (well one and half time for me-don't ask)

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