Sunday, October 26, 2008

Incredible LUCK! - the ups and ups and ups of the SIWC!!

I have had the BEST weekend at SIWC I got back late last night and could hardly get to sleep I was SO excited :). I have never been to a conference before and had the pleasure and honour of meeting so many other writers. I am also pleased to have had the honour of meeting a surprising amound of editors and agents and I have to admit...that is what I am most excited about!! So what came out of this weekend you ask??

1. Lisa Rector a high class editor residing in New York (with freaking awsome clothes I want her Bue Jacket!) has become close to several of the young writers there. We plan to stay in touch and she answered many of our questions about to publishing world. She also introduced us to many of the people you see listed below (but not all).

2. I have Donald Masse's card and his book "Writing the Breakout Novel" (which with a spectacular show of stupidity I left behind yesterday. Luckily my friend is going today as well and is going to pick it up for me).-thankyou Lisa :)

3. I have the card of someone else called Eileen Reppenhagen who wants to interview me for a book on young people and money-sweet!

4. I have the card of the senior editor at Tor Susan Chang and a request for my latest manuscript which I pitched to her at the conference. Also I heard of a program through them called Young Readers that could be very helpful.

5. I have the card of an agent called Verna Dreisbach who has requested a sample of my work and is actively looking for young people to publish (her buisness is just getting started so if this works out it could be a much easier way of breaking in I am very excited!!!!!!) - thankyou Lisa :)

6. A vague new idea for a story in a genre I don't usually deal with has come to me after attending the workshop called 'using your personal life as a starting point for fiction'. Hopefully that will work out.


so...if you went to the SWIC conference how did you find it? Who did you meet, who did you pitch too? Tell me everything! :) And if you didn't go tell me if you plan to go next year or just how your writing is going in general-wish me luck!


vespers-for-ray said...


I posted my reflections about the aftermath of SiWC on my blog as well.

It was someone random at the Masque table that told us about the Young Readers right? Not Lisa?

I was searching up on it and you'd think that being a program like that I'd find some mention.... but I found absolutely nothing. Weird.

ali said...

I sent her an e-mail saying I would not only be taking a good 3-4 months before I sent her my manuscript but that I was also interested in the 'young readers program' so i'll tell you how that goes