Friday, October 17, 2008


The title is pretty much self explanatory *groans*. I have a conference in a week and we are in cruuuunnnnnnncccccccchhhhhhhhhh time. I need to have like 40 more pages of my latest novel finished...yikes. PLUS tomorrow i'm totally buisy so that's one less day to write. PLUS homework, PLUS helping my friend paint her room, PLUS helping another friend start a blog-double yikes...The list goes on, but we shall see my preties, we shall see. It's still possible to get this done. I'm going to need to use my turn-back-time super powers but u never know. I need to be spending all my time writing *grumbles* damn blog is distracting :) *scolds herself* I HAVE SO MUCH TO WRITE!! :(
-totally stressed out and needst to write-


Liana Brooks said...

Word race yourself. Set the timer, write as much as you can in 10 minutes. Don't worry about editing or spell check on the first draft, just go.

Take five minute breaks to stretch between each 10 minute writing session. And once you catch the flow and can ignore the timer, you'll be golden :O)

You asked about a critique group online- I'll second Merc and suggest They've got an excellent mix of writers, ages, and experience. And you it's free :o) You can buy a membership and get additional privileges, but you don't need to pay a penny to get the full benefit.

ali said...

thanx so much just_me that's actually a really good idea :) I signed up with as well and I can't wait to get started their too!